Come ha origine il "caso Lacerta" e perché si è potuto diffondere a macchia d'olio dalla Svezia fino a giungere nel nostro paese, dove qualcuno ha persino dato peso all'intervista (testo in italiano:
Tutto inizia quando il giovanissimo studioso tedesco Christian Pfeiler -un Federico Dezi teutonico- realizza un suo grande sogno: pubblicare online una rivista digitale dedicata agli Ufo e al paranormale. Per ottenere la più ampia fruizione, Cristian Pfeiler decide di divulgare le notizie e gli studi suoi e dei suoi collaboratori in inglese. Un giorno il ragazzo riceve da un corrispondente in rete un testo in tedesco (Lacerta File I); gli si chiede di tradurlo e pubblicarlo all'interno della webzine. Christian non è uno stupido. Capisce perfettamente di trovarsi di fronte a un'invenzione letteraria,piena di contraddizioni, anacronismi, errori scientifici e tuttavia decide di tradurre il testo e divulgarlo nel numero 9, riservandosi di smontarlo nel numero successivo. Già il nome dell'intervistatore, Mister K. (come l'agente dei Men in Black cinematografici), mette Christian sul chi va là. Quando poi legge che i Rettiliani si offendono se il loro nome (impronunciabile) viene pronunciato con il più piccolo errore, come gli insettoidi di Star Trek e una serie di citazioni ispirate alla grande fantascienza, realizza di avere tra le mani un "raccontino" neanche troppo originale. Il ragazzo comunque traduce il file, migliorandone la forma. Nonostante l'avvertimento rivolto ai suoi lettori, tuttavia, si accorge che qualcuno, gli utenti più creduli ed emotivi, ha preso sul serio la cosa, soprattutto leggendo l'incipit ("Certifico che il testo è veritiero..."). La strana "catena di Sant'Antonio" si è ormai avviata e l'intervista passa da un computer all'altro, grazie al tam tam dei giovanissimi "credenti". Il verbo di Lacerta, niente più che uno scherzo, viene tradotto in varie lingue e nessuno pensa più a verificarne la fonte. Nel dicembre 2000 Christian, a causa degli impegni scolastici, è costretto a chiudere il sito. Ma ormai Lacerta è uscita dalla "gabbia". Così nascono -oggi come ieri- le dicerie, le favole e anche qualche mito. Ma torniamo indietro di qualche passo. Nel decimo numero della sua webzine, online nell'aprile del 2000, Christian Pfeiler scrive: "Benvenuti al decimo numero del notiziario Ufo+Psi Research Magazine. Date una speciale occhiata alla mia spiegazione del caso Lacerta, il cui file è apparso nel numero 9. Naturalmente è una bufala! L'intervistatore non ha un background e viene dal nulla. Si chiama "Mister K." (Ole K., dalla Svezia), come il co-protagonista del film Men in Black. Mister K afferma che il documento originale, derivato da 3 ore di intervista, consisteva di 49 pagine e che l'intervista da lui diffusa ne ne è una riduzione ". Primo evidente anacronismo, di cui il ragazzo si accorge subito (e chi conosce i tempi di un'intervista lo può rilevare a propria volta: quante ore ci vogliono per 49 pagine di testo'). Continua il giovanissimo ufologo: "Ho ricevuto il testo qualche settimana fa da un amico di rete di Amburgo, in tedesco e in forma confusa. Ho pensato che quella cattiva traduzione fosse ad opera di uno degli "amici fidati" menzionati nell'intervista,originariamente in svedese. Ho messo alla prova il mio inglese ed ho effettuato la traduzione, comprendendo anche il paragrafo in cui è riportata la frase 'Garantisco che il testo seguente è assolutamente veritiero e non un'invenzione'. Così la comunità ufologica inglese, come richiesto dal mio amico di rete, è venuta a conoscenza del documento. Quando gli ho chiesto i disegni e il testo completo, lui mi ha scritto di averli visionati, ma che Lacerta -tramite Mister K.- non ne aveva permesso la diffusione. Sono in grado di dimostrare che si tratta di una bufala, come potrete verificare leggendo il mio articolo dedicato al File Lacerta, in questo numero di Ufo+Psi Research Magazine".
Ringrazio vivamente Francesco Grassi, che mi ha fornito tutti i documenti su cui ho basato il presente articolo.
Lacerta File: un documento inequivocabilmente falso.
by Chris Pfeiler
I suppose most of you have read the weird document called "Lacerta File I" which I had sent you last week and I have received some response from you concerning that stuff. It seemed to me that I was a little bit misunderstood, when I've said in my critical foreword that the "questions and answers are always more or less logical". I did not mean not that the answers are always correct (far from it) but that they are written in a way that seemed to be logical at first sight. I suppose the person who had sent me the file will be angry that I now make a very skeptical comment on it. However, I think I should because in my opinion the transcript is a purely fictional story (but a well written one, we should call Steven Spielberg <g>) and therefore a simple hoax without any base in reality. The following are some points, which have led me to the conclusion that the document is fraud - The "background" of the document and of the writer/interviewer is very mysterious. - There are similar things mentioned in other "true" documents and in proven fakes. - There are various scientific mistakes in the text. - There are various logical mistakes in the text.
I will show you now detailed my thoughts to each of the above 4 points.
The "background" of the document and of the writer/interviewer is very mysterious.
It is claimed in the Introduction that the interview with the strange species was made from a certain Mr. Ole K. from Sweden (name from the MiB movie') and that this Mr. K. was the author of the document, which is - as he said - the shortened form of a normally 49 pages long transcript of a 3-hour-long interview. The document was sent to me some weeks ago by an online-friend from Hamburg in a German version (which was in a very confusing form) and he said to me, that he is one of the "reliable friends" mentioned in the document, to whom Ole K. had sent the original Swedish version to translate it into various languages. He asked me if I could try to translate the document into English and publish it in my magazine, so that also the English speaking UFO community can read the "truth." I thought a translating job would be a good exercise for my English, but when I read that document the first time; I was surprised to see such a weird stuff. Nevertheless, my friend - whom I do not know personally - claimed that he had seen and read the whole transcript, the drawings and the audio tapes, but this material is at the moment not available for the public (I wondered why he had seen this stuff, because Ole K. mentioned in the text that "Lacerta" had given no permission to reveal some parts of the interview to anyone. He refused to give me further information about the things he had read in the "complete" transcript. This is strange, isn't it')
After sending the document to all of you (with a sceptical comment) I was asked by a reader from Sweden if I can send him the so-called "original" Swedish version and if I can give him maybe either the e-mail address of the German person or of the mysterious Ole K. himself for further research. I tried to get this version, but my friend claimed that he had deleted (') the original version after translating it into German (because he was ordered from K. to do so) and that he neither want me to give his e-mail address to others nor would he give me the e-mail address of Ole K. He said this is for his own and for the security of Mr. K. who must remain anonymous for new meetings with the reptilian being. For this odd reason, no one is able to talk with Ole K. and ask him for further information or even check his identity. To be honest, this "paranoid" behavior sounds very strange to me and I have the impression that there is maybe no original Swedish version and no Ole K. It was said in the text that the transcript was sent to certain people in Finland, Norway, Germany and France (when') so the interesting question is: where are the other translations and where is the original Swedish version' Deleted' Not online' Disappeared without a trace? This makes no sense. I've never seen that document anywhere else online in other languages. The person from Germany claimed that he had sent his translation to some German Newsgroups and Mailing lists but I've never seen this version anywhere online. So it seemed to me that I'm the only person who had received it for translation into English and I think I'm maybe being (mis)used to help hoaxers to spread their "work" over the whole UFO community and I don't like that.
We have no real proof that Ole K. exists, we have no real proof that the document is (partly) true and we have no single evidence for any of the claims in the document. I don't know who had written this text (one person or a group of hoaxers) and I don't know how far my online-friend from Germany is involved in this case. Does he belong to the hoaxers or is he himself a "victim" of Ole K' Whoever had written this transcript: it's in my opinion an excellent work (even if you consider it as pure fiction) and it was certainly not done by a simple mystery freak after an episode of the X-Files (but the talk about "extinctions" reminded me a little bit of a current episode of that series) because it shows good insight into various ufological and scientific topics - but not everything is correct. Nevertheless, the whole dubious and unprovable background of the document and of the so-called author and the fact that it had not appeared somewhere else in the Internet (in other languages) had led me to the logical conclusion, that the transcript is a simple hoax.
There are similar things mentioned in other "true" documents and in proven fakes.
The idea of reptilian species (and other beings) living beneath the earth in large caves is nothing new in the UFO community and especially "strong" believers often claim to have seen such "reptiles" or to be in contact with them (or even to know someone who was killed by reptiles.) Sometimes, reptiles appear also in abduction stories and they seem to work together with the "grey" species there (this is mentioned in the text, when "Lacerta" replied that her kind works together with some of the alien species.) The main difference between this text and other weird documents like "The Dulce Papers" or "The Serpent Files" is, that the reptiles are generally shown as hostile and very aggressive beings in such weird papers, often in connection with the fanatic religious idea that the "Serpent" race is a demonic species of satanic servants (this occult idea - based on the biblical book of Genesis - is certainly ridiculous and has no basis in fact.) On the contrary, the female reptilian being "Lacerta" in this text seemed not to be evil, or aggressive, but only a little bit rude and offensive in her answers, which shows generally a very low opinion about the human race and their intelligence. This difference does not mean that the document is true or that the idea of "friendly" reptiles is more correct then the idea of hostile underground-reptiles, because both ideas are in my opinion not true (nevertheless, as I have said in a previous foreword, many unexplainable events are connected with caves or mine shafts, so we can't be absolutely sure that every report about such events is a hoax.)
The idea of a female reptile is also nothing completely new and encounters with such beings are often reported from abductees. As far as I know, the author and abductee Whitley Strieber mentioned such a "female reptile" in his famous book "Communion", so the idea for a faked interview with a woman from the reptilian species can come from the reading of such books. Male reptiles are mentioned in various weird documents, often as aggressive beings who attack and kill people in caves. An interesting and very weird document with many similarities to the "Lacerta File" is the transcript "A Dulce Base Security Officer speaks out" in which a (maybe non-existing) witness with the name "Thomas Edwin Costello" speaks about his experiences in the alien-occupied underground base beneath the Archuleta Mesa near the town Dulce, New Mexico. Mr. Costello claimed that the Dulce Base is inhabited by human military and workers, from grey aliens and by reptilians and in the interview he gives some information about the reptiles. As there is neither evidence for the existence of a Mr. Costello nor for the existence of an alien "base" beyond Archuleta Mesa, I suppose the whole document is an obvious fake - commented partly from a notorious group of "strong UFO believers" (or hoaxers) with the name "Branton" (some of you are maybe familiar with that name, because it appears often in strange and maybe faked documents.)
The following quotes are from the answers in the "Costello-Dulce-Document" so that you can clearly see the similarities between this text and the "Lacerta Files": - "Some reptoids are native to this planet." - "Reptoids rightly consider themselves as native terrans." - "Other reptilian beings are green and some are brown." - "His name (a male reptiles name) is difficult to verbalize, Khaarshfasht (pronounced throaty khhhah-sshh-fahsh-sst)" - "They receive their name after they reach the age of awareness." - "Each letter (of the name) has a personal meaning." - "They consider Earth or Terra their "home planet." - "They prefer their meat raw and very fresh, but they have learned to enjoy some cooked meat like beef steak." - "The war has already begun. To start, they use "weather control" devices..." - "We can shield ourselves against them (concerning mind control)...and controlling our own thoughts is the best weapon."
In addition, the importance of copper and magnetic fields, the reptilian symbols with the winged serpent and with the dragon-circle and the story about the genetic defects of some alien races are also mentioned in this and in many other documents without any real proof (as usual, Mr. Costello was not able to give any evidence for his claims and then he "mysteriously" disappeared). What do the many similarities mean' Is it evidence that all claims are right, because they appear in such various documents and back each other up. Or is it more evidence, that every hoaxer just read the material of his "colleagues" and uses their claims in a more or less similar form? I think in most cases is the second right, but make your own opinion (to be honest, there are some things mentioned in the Lacerta File which I've never read before, but every writer can add such new stuff to an old story.)
An addition to the reptilian name "Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh" which is given in the Lacerta document. It sounds surprisingly similar to the male name in the Dulce document and we would certainly expect some "ssssh"-like name for a reptile. On the other hand, typing on my keyboard without looking (or even jumping on my keyboard <g>) would led to the same result after some tries. By the way, the name "Lacerta" is just the Greek word for a certain kind of reptile. There are various scientific mistakes in the text. The being in the text claimed to be super-intelligent and much more advanced then the human race (this is mentioned very often by "her") and she sometimes used scientific terms and explanations and strange words to show this intelligence. This pseudo-scientific talk is a very good way to convince less-educated people that the document is true (I do not mean this to be offensive, but there are always people - also in the UFO community - who do not know much about science and physics and who have the tendency to believe everything that sounds scientific and logical for them.) I will show you in the following some of the scientific mistakes in the text, which are partly connected with the logical errors I will explain later.
When the being talks about the "first war" 65 million years ago, it mentioned a "mighty experimental fusion bomb" which detonated in the ocean near Middle America and caused an "unpredictable fusion" with hydrogen. This had led - according to the claim - to a deadly radiation, to an over-production of oxygen and to a fall-out of different elements, including Iridium. So far the story from "Lacerta". The scientific truth is maybe another one. First, the word "fusion" is absolutely wrong in this case. I'm no learned scientist, but as far as I know, a "hot" fusion with something is not able to produce a fall-out of different elements, because the result of a fusion is generally only pure energy. The mentioned over-production of oxygen (from water') can't be a product of a fusion, because the atoms of water (H©'O) must be split and not fused to produce oxygen (O) and furthermore I don't think that something can produce a rare element like Iridium through a fusion with water (so the Iridium thing is only mentioned to misuse the correct scientific proof for an asteroid impact - namely the Iridium concentration in the ground which can be found also in normal meteor craters - as a "proof" for a fictional claim.) In addition, if the fusion with water were "unpredictable" I would suppose it was also "uncontrollable" (what should stop it) and this would mean, that the water of the whole planet would have fused and the whole Earth would have exploded. I know nothing about "advanced alien weapons" but as far as I can say, the word "fusion" is completely wrong in this context.
The talk about "species from another bubble" is also strange. There is a (human) theory about the origin of the universe, which includes the idea that "universes" were born like inflating bubbles from an omniversal "foam". This is a well-known but more mathematical theory and is mentioned in various popular scientific books (I think for example in "A brief history of time" and others) so there is no need to show it as an "advanced idea of the reptile species" in the text. It's a normal and human theory that any hoaxer could have read in a book. That advanced "species" can move between bubbles - maybe by use of wormholes - is again more a topic of the science fiction. Another modern (and also well-known) theory is, that matter is built not of tiny particles (quarks) but of "strings" and there appeared an odd word "matterstring/bubble changing" in the text together with a hint to the quantum theory. Well, strings inside matter are in fact a part of Quantum mechanics, but "universe bubbles" not. It seemed to me that the word "matterstring/bubble changing" is just a science fiction term, mixed-up from two absolutely different theories, which have nothing in common. The word itself makes no real sense and is also not further explained by "Lacerta."
The story about the "copper fusion" with other elements in a special radiation chamber in order to produce special force fields is in my opinion pure nonsense. The copper and magnetism story appeared often in certain weird documents, so I think the hoaxer had just again written what he had read before (with some pseudo-scientific additions.) The talk about "fields in a right angle with another field" is - as far as I know - part of Einstein's uncompleted Field Theory, but you can again read this in many books, so it's based on a real theory but not an invention of the reptilian species (let us suppose that Einstein was human <g>). Nevertheless, the whole copper-thing makes no real sense and has no scientific base. The weird talk about other "plains" and "levels" (but not other dimensions) is also strange and resembles me to some occult or metaphysical documents.
Another major mistake is so obvious that I wonder why it appeared in the document (maybe as a hint that it's really a fake'): the being said, bones and even "hands" from her species are used for Iguanodon reconstructions in our museums. You should know that the height of an Iguanodon was between 4 and 5 metres. How - in the name of all dinosaurs - can we use bones and small hands of a human-like species with a height of (as it is mentioned) 1,60 to 1,80 metres to reconstruct such huge saurians like Iguanodon. The bones wouldn't fit, so this claim is obviously not correct. I suppose the Iguanodon species was chosen, because they've really had such a "thumb"-like thing on their claws, but we can't use bones of smaller species to build large skeletons. In addition, most of the skeletons in the museums are indeed correct, because it does not happen often that bones are missing and most saurian skeletons are already complete when they are found in the ground.
A last scientific thing: the being mentioned, that the embryos of her kind grow inside an egg with a chalk hull inside the mothers womb' Why should they do this' There is no biological need for a chalk hull inside a womb and evolution - if the species is really so old - would have certainly changed this during the millions of years.
A cylindrical UFO over Germany - a flying device of the reptilian species?
There are various logical mistakes in the text. The logical mistakes are difficult to show, because the whole text itself is a logical mistake from a certain point of view. Well, I will try to show some of the errors and illogical things:
The main logical mistake is obviously, that many interesting questions and answers are simply missing in the transcript. It's claimed that the document will show the "truth" about UFOs and aliens and the coming war (as usual) and such things, but the interviewer asked generally more unimportant or even silly questions like "What do you eat'", "What kind of clothing do you wear'" or "How do you appear on photos'" instead of more important questions. Well, Mr. K. said already in advance (to prevent such suppositions') in his Introduction that many parts of the whole transcript are not included in this shortened form, but how should we know whether this is true or not. Maybe this is the entire transcript. A good example for an overseen and unasked question: the being replied in one case "we are not your enemy (most of us not.)" What do this "most of us not" mean' Are there reptiles who are our enemies' This is an important question, so why didn't Ole K ask this question. There are more of such "hints" in the answers, but Mr. K seems to not hear most of them and preferred to ask more uninteresting questions. Why'
Another logical mistake: Mr. K. mentioned that he had read a "full statement" about UFOs, which was given by "Lacerta" to E.F. (the mysterious first contact person. We know absolutely nothing about him) before the interview. Where is this statement' Why isn't it attached to the file' Furthermore, if Mr. K. had really read that "full statement" why hadn't he known that the UFOs are hidden with a special technological device, which can have influence on the human mind (he asked that question later in the text, despite his former claim that he had read the "full statement".) The whole text generally says nothing new about UFOs and their origin, so the information in the statement is either very very secret or there is no such statement (or it is not yet written from the hoaxer'.)
The reptilian aliens who used the fusion (') bomb 65 millions of years ago were obviously a very advanced and intelligent race, because they were able to move between "bubbles". Well, isn't it very surprising that such an advanced species used an experimental weapon (') which caused for them unpredictable (') fusion process and destroyed more then they wanted' Should an advanced species not be able to predict such an event' Why should they use an experimental weapon without knowing what will happen' Maybe because they were loosing the ancient war' Or maybe because the whole story about the early war is simple fiction' There are more logical mistakes in the text (for example according the strange behavior of that Illojiim race. This meant obviously the "Elohim" I've mentioned in some of my articles, but I'm not familiar with that spelling.) I'm sure you will find more of such mistakes if you read the text detailed and search for the mistakes. However, I can't say if all the mistakes are there because the whole transcript is a hoax or if they are there, because important parts of the transcript are missing. You should make your own opinion.
What speaks for the authenticity of the transcript'
Finally, after the revelation of all the sceptical aspects, which seems to speak for a fraud and after my critical comments about the dubious background of the transcript, we must also ask what speaks for the authenticity of the transcript' In my opinion, it's a simple hoax but maybe I'm wrong and the document reports honestly about an interview between a man and a reptilian woman (but I really doubt this.) The document shows many similarities with other "weird" documents, but there are some things, which make it not so weird as some other documents. To say it directly: it's not so weird as it is supposed to be and you can start reading it with the absolute conviction that it is just simple fiction but by the time you have finished it you would maybe have doubts as to whether it is a hoax or not. It's particularly excellently written and you really have the impression that it reports about an interview between two different beings (it's sometimes much better then other documents of that kind.) It's a little bit embarrassing to admit that, but I've recently read a document about the "Hollow Earth theory" and about how we can prove physically that there is really an "Inner World" from where UFOs come. This document was absolute nonsense and the only thing I could do while reading it was laughing (they claimed there for example that all stars are not made of hot gas and plasma but of crystal and that this is the reason why there could be a small sun inside the planet. This is not only strange, this is extremely weird.) On the other hand, if I have a look at the "Lacerta File" it's sometimes more logical and rational than other documents, because "Lacerta" said for example clearly that "there is no "Hollow Earth" and she asked the correct question if we know "how much mass a sun must have to produce energy and light'" so she tries not to tell us anything weird about a crystal sun and a hollow earth (as it is done for example in the Costello-Dulce-Paper in an answer.) She also said the absolute right thing that most UFOs are just misidentifications of natural things and not real technological devices and that many UFOs belong to our own military, but not all (I think this is correct) while others of such documents try to convince us that nearly every unknown object in the sky is a real craft piloted by alien beings.
Another interesting thing is, that the being and the interviewer refer often clearly to certain things, like "I suppose this is not the way you dress normally" or "...chairs with a back like this chair" so that the reader have really the impression there are two beings referring to each other or to their surrounding and not just one author who wrote this fictional story alone on his desk just from imagination. The author also makes sometimes wrong suppositions like "Do the seven stars mean the Pleiades'" or he asked obviously silly questions like "How do you appear on photos'" and the being reacts then in a very offensive way, which shows a low opinion about the human race and intelligence and this is exactly what we would expect from an advanced species. I think if I would fake such a transcript I would only ask questions, to which I would know a good answer.
I will come to an end. I have shown you why I think that the "Lacerta File" is a simple hoax and I have also shown you some facts, which speak for the authenticity. In my opinion, it's not the truth but you can make your own opinion if you compare the document with this article. There is certainly a good (but not new) message in the file: go through your world with open eyes and don't believe everything the governments or the scientists tell you. But I think this message also includes: don't believe everything you can read published in the Internet and this includes the transcript itself.
(A last addition: I had overseen a very obvious mistake in the transcript. Thanks to Ray Cecot who had seen the mistake and who had informed me. When "Lacerta" talked about cylindrical UFOs of her species, she said we can see 5 bright red lights on such cigar-shaped UFOs, namely "one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end.". How much lights do we have now' Let's count. Maybe it's because I'm just an ignorant human, but I can count only 4 red lights and not 5, so this is in my opinion again a hint that the document is fraud. Or aren't advanced species not able to count correctly') Da: Ufo+Psi Research Magazine n° 10, alrile 2000.